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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Catching up, again! So, at our house, Santa brings the toys and super fun stuff and Mama and Daddy give the clothes. But not just any clothes, the kind of clothes you wish you could buy when school shopping that comes with the sparkles, ruffles and the awesome boots that everybody wants when it's cold out. This year was no exception. The girls each got 2 complete outfits and 1 pair of boots. The ones that make you look at least 4 inches taller! Cameron got jeans and batman and superman t-shirts along with a couple of “logger” style flannel shirts. Santa brought Krista, Brianna and Deandra mp3 video players, pink of course pre-loaded with all their favorite songs from Journey, Cindy Lauper, Taylor Swift and so many more, and the really cool Christmas songs the whole family loves to listen to and then the Sunday music as well! They had Christmas movies and family photos on them as well so they can show off on the ride to school to all their friends on the bus. And the best feature of all....the mp3 players talk to each other! They share music, movies, photos, all of it. They can send each other pictures and music and they can do that with the computer, too! All without wires! SO COOL!!! Krista and Brianna each received a new “American Girl Doll” don't tell them, but they are NOT the real ones, Santa at our house can't afford that many at one time! But they DON'T know the difference and love them unconditionally! Deandra also received a rolling suitcase with Ariel on the front of it to tote around all her American Girl clothes and accessories. Personally I think Amanda and Cameron really hit the jackpot! Amanda received a Rapunzel dress with the coordinating accessories. The tiara, necklace, earrings, rings and shoes. She also received the Rapunzel and Flynn dolls to play with along with LOTS of coloring and marker art packs. Cameron FINALLLY has some boy toys. He has his ride on dump truck that came with the leggos and makes the truck noises that he can ride around the house, a flash light truck that makes all the right noises and also has a timer on it to use as a night light in his bedroom, a cars punching bag and a “ramming” truck (kind of like bumper cars, when it runs into something it makes crashing noises). All of these were HUGE hits with him as he has teethed on barbie legs and hands, beheaded the barbies in the bath tub, been forced to ride a pink big wheels and until recently had a Tinkerbell clock in his bedroom. We're catching up from being frugal during Tanner's unemployment season, and poor Cameron saw the brunt of it having to play with girly and pink toys. He's really loving being a boy with his own toys!! We can't forget Mama and Daddy! Daddy got some cologne and a new flat screen TV and Mama had her eyes lasiked in November, and she received a small camera to keep in her purse that Daddy approved of--with all the super cool features, but didn't weigh more than her purse did without it. The kids all exchanged gifts with each other and had LOTS of fun. And Mama went back to bed since the morning sickness finally kicked in with the new baby.

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