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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Quick updates since our last post!! Deanda did NOT have a tonsillectomy!!! every cold and flu season we get strep throat. I don't mean one of the kids get it and we go to the doctor. I mean ALL the girls have it at least 2-4 times per season. Deandra hit the high mark first, therefore she was the first to go see the specialist. She was scheduled for surgery for December 23rd at 8 am. What a way to celebrate Christmas! I finally talked her doctor into doing it after Christmas, and it was scheduled for the 27th. We went in for her pre-op appointment on the 10th, the day before her 7th birthday, and guess what! Since she has yet to have it this season, he wanted to put it off till the end of the season, so we pulled her from the schedule and she has a follow up in February. This is a totally bizare cold/flu season for us not having strep throat at all. But we are definitely counting our blessings! Who knew for us to get rid of strep throat at our house was to simply schedule the surgery!! Cameron does NOT like sleeping in his own bed. Back in september, the first week Tanner started working, Cameron started climbing out of his crib. He was 22 months old. He loved bed time! We'd have family prayers then go pray with each of the children individually and give them their snuggles and tucks into bed. We have had this routine since we moved into this house 6 ½ years ago. He's the youngest so he gets snuggled first. He'd say his prayers and try climbing into his crib by himself and within minutes he was out. No fussing, crying nothing. Then he climbed out of his crib and all heck broke loosse. We tried keeping him in his crib for a bit, but decided the safest thing was to put him in the toddler bed. He wants nothing to do with it. He doesn't say his prayers he yells screams and cries at the crack under the door and everybody is miserable. He does this for HOURS. Not just 30 minutes or so, we start bedtime about 630/7 pm. He's up until midnight easily just crying at his door. We've done the holding till he's asleep then putting him into his bed. He's up an hour or so later screaming. We lay down next to him till he falls asleep with his death grip on my neck or my hair, I leave and within an hour he's up screaming. Let him try to cry it out, yea, that doesn't work either. Then about 3 weeks after climbing out of his bed he learns how to open the door. His handle is on backwards so he's “locked in” but that doesn't help anything but not finding him climbing to the top shelf in the pantry. This boy likes to climb. And not sleep. One of these days we'll figure it out. Until then, well until then. Brianna had a boy in her class come up and tell her he has a crush on her and run off. He's definitely sweet on her. She also at the tender age of 8 has been pulled over by the sherrif for driving the gokart after dark (it doesn't have lights on it) and heading toward the main highway. We were visiting at my grandparent's home in St. David for thanksgiving and we took the gokart to share. Well, Tanner was following Brianna in the suburban over to my sister's house to park the gokart, only to find them all dark at the house and not finding an outlet to charge the batteries on the gokart. So, they turned around and were coming back to Grandma's house and Brianna missed the drive way and kept going. Tanner was keeping tabs on her but the local sherrif had noticed them on the street, uturned and came and visited with Tanner then went up and stopped Brianna. And redirected her back to grandma's. The sherrif came back and visited with Tanner some more and said he'd do the nice thing and just let them off with a warning not anything else because of the holiday and us not being from there and all that stuff. Then he asked who Tanner was visiting and all that and it turns out that the sherrif was a guy I went to high school with. Randy Judd. All is well, Brianna was pulled over, met an old high school classmate and is kind of scared of driving the gokart after dark. She now laughs about it, but for a good week if you asked her anything about it, she'd just cry. Amanda simply loves not having any big sisters around during the day. She's her own boss and gets to help me out LOTS. She's really good at driving the gokart and helping unload the dishwasher. Her only delema is that all her friends are either just old enough to be in school or moved away. She's nobody to play with other than Cameron. So she is teaching him EVERYTHING she knows. How to move the mattress from under the bunk bed to jump off the top bunk and land on it. Sometimes he misses it and lands on his head instead. But he always gets up and tries again! She play soccor and barbies with him and swings and hide and seek. But she really likes when he's off playing on his own or watching a cartoon in the other room so she can have me all to her self. Krista. Well, krista is 11 going on 25. she's doing better with her fashion statements and doing her share of work around the house. She loves preparing family home evenings and cooking. She'd do lots more sewing if it didn't mean lots more work for me to babysit her every move still, but we're both getting braver and she's doing better at reading and understanding the sewing instructions. She got an “american girl” like doll for Christmas this year and is anxious to work on sewing her wardrobe. Tanner's enjoying having resonsibilities an actual work to do at work and I'm busy trying to keep up with cleaning up, cleaning out, packing, house hunting, and spending time with the children while trying to keep my stomach in check. Every pregnancy I have the dillusion of not having day long morning sickness, but every pregnancy I am broght to the reality that my body simply doesn't work that way. But we're excited, none the less. August 14 is the current due date.


shsh said...

Congrats on the NEWS!!

Tilleea said...

what!? August 14th? CONGRATS!!!!