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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tanner's new look....Tanner decided a couple of weeks ago that he wasn't going to shave until he got a job...after about a week of kissing a procupine, I quit cleaning as a motivator for him to quit shaving. He and the girls picked up the slack quite well, actually, so I had some free time to read books and do nothing....eventually Tanner did shave, though. He had a follow up interview with abengoa solana this last week. They are an alternitive energy company that is based out of Spain and building solar energy plants across the USA. The position Tanner is interviewing for is an Activity Manager based out of Gila Bend, AZ. Sweet location, yes??? Anyways, they have him taking a personality type quiz online and are supose to get back to him "quickly." We are really hoping and sort of already planning on his getting this position and then we'll get to move closer to Gila Bend. We've talked about Buckeye and Maricopa. Both places would give him about a 45-60 minute commute each direction. Anyways, back to Tanner's face...which do you like best?


Bobbi said...

You guys definitely know how to have fun! Good luck with the job interviews. We think Tanner has a great "personality" so he will do great on the test! :)

Tilleea said...

I've gotta say that the full beard with the shaved chin is my personal favorite. hehehe. The gangsta peace signs probably add to the effect! So...has he heard back yet?