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Friday, June 25, 2010

So, after going grocery shopping and getting basic housework done, I'm sitting here blog surfing, trying to keep Cameron calm without putting him to sleep just yet. He hasn't had a good nap today and I would like him to sleep tonight...Imagine that! Anyways, I came across some amazing blogs and boy would it be nice to be able to work out and have a fabulously fit body, super clean house, children who don't need me to dictate their every movement during the summer and be able to do all my crafting! I have to pick and choose daily, and for some unknown reason the laundry and dishes, vacuuming and sweeping keep me from doing too much crafting. On the days I ignore the housework I do loads of fun crafting, but the kids, and Tanner, feel and act like I haven't spoken to them in weeks. and the house looks like a tornado hit it! But I came across one blog today that totally cheered me up! While my girls are playing tea set and spreading pink lemonade and ice chips across my non-sticky floor that I just mopped last night, I felt better. There are days where I totally feel so FRUSTERATED that nomatter how much I clean, cook, talk nicely, try to talk kindly, try to do fun stuff with the girls that it simply backfires and bedtime comes and tempers are running and feeling peaceful for scripture and prayer time are anything but spiritual and keeping the girls in bed is like trying to find that hair on a frog to pull out. Anyways, after reading some of the posts on this site I feel a bit less unique with all these little angels running around my house....well, maybe a little bit better. I've to round them up for dinner now. Boy Tanner has it lucky this week being at scout camp!! A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

1 comment:

Mandy Christian said...

Valerie, you sound just like me! I miss you!