About Us

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy Holidays! Boy has this been a busy year! We are all healthy, happy and going strong! Krista has had an exciting year, not only did she pull most of her teeth out this summer, but she has made some amazing new friends! If you asked her right now who her best friends are she’d answer “Romeo and Fredrick.” That’s the name of the horses she’s been getting to know, learning to care for and riding the last couple of months. If she could have anything in the world right now it would be her very own horse, seconded by her own bedroom. Neither are a possibility, but it never hurts to dream! Brianna has had quite the year also! She’s in the second grade and loving life! She has grown quite a bit taller this last year and she’s become quite the helper! She loves helping with Cameron and playing with her sisters but mostly she loves being with somebody, anybody, who lets her be involved and help! Deandra started Kindergarten this year and has mixed feelings about that! She loves riding to school with her Aunt Tara and cousins, Morgan, Crew, and Teagan, and she absolutely loves the social aspects and being away from home, but she’s not too sure of WHY she has to do writing and work and homework. She’s really smart, there’s just too much fun stuff going on around her that she has to be involved in, though! Amanda has had loads of fun being my little shadow during the day! With Cameron taking good long naps in the middle of the day that means she has LOTS of Mama Time all to herself! She loves helping change the laundry from the wash to the dryer and making beds, she’s not so sure about vacuuming and moping, but she’ll go play in her playhouse with the little kitchen set outside for long periods of time while Mama does that. The last 2 months, though she’s had her bestest friend Zowie here playing with her all day everyday while Zowie’s mommy goes to work. Amanda has been missing her Mama time, but she’s loved having her friend over to play with her! Cameron has grown in leaps and bounds! He has a smile for everybody and wears it always! He’s had his first haircut and his first steps, although we’re really missing his army crawl! He loves chasing after cords and trying to plug and unplug anything by an outlet. (Thank goodness for the outlet covers or he’d be shocked many times over by now!!) Tanner is still plugging away at Orbital Sciences, Inc. He’s been there just over a year now and is sill looking for other career options, if you hear of anything…. He’s loved his schedule lately of being off work just in time to pick the girls up from school on his way home, saving gas, but mostly spending time with his girls. He’s been super amazing since October, in picking up the slack where Mama can’t. He makes the best flour tortillas in the world and has way too much fun (okay, he’s deserved to have it) getting the girls’ Christmas ready for them (don’t tell them but he’s built them an electric go-kart!!). Mama’s hanging in there, trying not to go crazy. In October she started watching their neighbor’s newly adoptive daughter Zowie while mom, Alisa, is at work. She also made a nice dent in the hard sandy beach in Rocky Point while on vacation in October and broke her clavicle bone. She’s having difficulties staying still for the many weeks of healing and not being able to do her various sewing projects and the many fun activities she enjoys during the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays (aka baking, sewing, baking, some cleaning, baking and decorating). All in all it’s been a great year! Nobody is sick right now, yea! And we have each other. The Spirit has been with us greatly this year and we are very grateful. We love our Savior and try to live the gospel teachings and survive scripture and prayer time. We love you and wish you a very Merry Christmas and that you have a fabulous New Year! With love, Tanner, Valerie, Krista, Brianna, Deandra, Amanda, and Cameron

1 comment:

Unknown said...

loved it! I feel like I've needed that update even though we live like 200 yds apart. I'm so lame and wish I got to be a stay at home mommy too so I can have Lucy time and Friend time!!!